Frequently Asked Questions.
Thank you for visiting our page. Below are several of the most commonly asked questions by our citizens. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us. We would love to fill you in on our mission.
What is the history of career fire-rescue services in Goochland County?
Goochland County Fire-Rescue operates a “combination” fire department. Career staff works side by side with volunteer firefighters and EMS providers to deliver high caliber emergency services throughout the county. With a decrease in the availability of volunteer firefighters and EMTs during peak hours of service, career firefighters are able to provide seamless services to Goochland’s citizens. Since the hiring of professional services in March of 2009, volunteer services have decreased dramatically. While paid services come at a cost to taxpayers, planned growth and economic development demands fast and efficient response from fire and EMS units. In addition to responding to emergency calls, career staff is intimately involved in a variety of projects throughout the county on a daily basis including fire hydrant maintenance, apparatus service and repair, fire station maintenance, and training.
How many career firefighters are on duty at one time?
Currently, the department maintains a minimum staffing level of 7 firefighters on duty 7 days a week. This level of staffing is year round and includes holidays. Providing around the clock staffing ensures that Fire and EMS services can be provided at a moment’s notice. In the future, we hope to increase the number of firefighters on duty to cover additional response areas.
Where are career firefighters located in the County?
Career staff can be found at all 6 fire stations:
Station 1 (Manakin) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Station 2 (Crozier) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Station 3 (Centerville) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Station 4 (Fife) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Station 5 (Courthouse) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Station 6 (Hadensville) Everyday from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m.
We welcome visitors! We’d love to talk with you about the services that Goochland County Fire-Rescue can provide.
I always see ambulances and fire trucks parked outside of stores around the County. Don’t you have fires to put out and people to take to the hospital?
While much of our time on duty is spent responding to emergency incidents, we are tasked with performing a variety of other tasks such as training, apparatus and station maintenance, and other daily chores. Often, these tasks require us to purchase anything ranging from light bulbs, to electrical outlets and vehicle parts. Additionally, since we live in the fire station for 24 hours at a time, crews occasionally go shopping for dinner to cook at the fire station.
The fire station closest to my house appears empty like no one is available if I dialed 911. Is this true?
Absolutely not! Fire stations in Goochland County are strategically located to provide efficient response to all citizens. With 24 hour career staffing, our occationally relies on volunteer services to handle some types of emergency incidents. While there is currently no requirement upon volunteer staffing to stay at the station while on duty, crews often do not visit the station until a call for service is requested. As such, career staff circulates throughout the county providing preventive maintenance on a variety of apparatus and equipment so that GCFR is ready to respond for emergencies.
I dialed 911 and an ambulance or fire truck from another area showed up at my house. Why is this?
Minimum staffing, especially during daylight hours, requires career staff to position themselves strategically throughout the county. Firefighters routinely respond to incidents outside of their “first due” response area. Don’t worry though, all firefighters are trained to the same competencies regardless of the station to which they are assigned. Additionally, we have taken great care to establish continuity between apparatus and equipment so all citizens are afforded the same quality care no matter where they are located.
Will more career firefighters and paramedics be hired by the county in the future?
In short, yes. Increased demands for services due to economic growth will place and increased burden on the fire-rescue system. With the increase in call volume, our local will fight to have more career firefighters hired in order to meet the demands of the system. The exact number and frequency of positions hired depends on a variety of factors including budget and need.